A meeting of the Texas Geocaching Association Board was held on October 6, 2020, phone.

Members Present:

Members Not Present:

Meeting Notes:

The meeting was called to order at 7:08pm.
The minutes from the Executive Directors meeting dated September 1st, 2020, are approved.


Deanna Vickery presented the September financial statement:
TXGA’s opening balance was $5,301.97
In August, TXGA had debits totaling $80.24 (postage/web program)
TXGA’s closing balance was $5,221.73

Challenge 2021

TXGA is still waiting on Groundspeak to publish the main mega event
The Board discussed side events in the week prior to and the Sunday after Challenge (publication of these events is likely slated after the publication of the main mega event)

Roundup 2021

Nothing to report
The event is still in Mineral Wells, TX, hosted by North Texas (date TBD)

Membership Coin

A membership coin design has been voted on and approved by the TXGA Board
The design has now been submitted to do TXGA’s usual coin producer for final design and production
The Board plans on ordering 100 membership coins
There are currently a small number of membership coins for 2020 remaining for purchase/distribution

TXGA Elections

The following positions are up for election/appointment this upcoming year:

    • President
    • NTX Rep
    • ETX Rep
    • STX Rep
    • Information Technology

The Board discussed potential nominees and the voting process

The meeting was adjourned at 7:43pm.
The Board will next meet November 3rd, 2020.


October 6, 2020