A meeting of the Texas Geocaching Association Board was held on November 3, 2020, phone.

Members Present:

Members Not Present:

Meeting Notes:

TXGA Board Meeting 11/3/20

A meeting of the Executive Directors of the Texas Geocaching Association was held on November 3rd, 2020, at 7pm by teleconference call.


Members Present:

Tom Brotherman                Electric Water Boy             President

Julia Bailey                          jbopto                                     Vice-President

Esther Lopez                       Bigguy In Texas                  Education

De Vickery                           Team-DnD                            Events

Garrick Peters                     Draegon                                Membership

Cheryl Drake                        Krazy4Catz                            Information Technology

Michael Cash                       mijkie                                    Finance/Compliance

Marcellus Cadd                   Atreides_78723                   Central

Brian Erickson                    BE Viking                            North

Cleo Nordquist                    QueenofD’Nile                     East

Patricia Elkins                    MsPatt                                   Southeast

Brenda Mark                       thewildroseoftexas              South

Michelle Bridges                 gonefishing2                        West


Members Not Present:

Julien Tagnon                     Paintballvet18                     Secretary



The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm.

The minutes from the Executive Directors meeting dated October 6th, 2020, are approved.



Deanna Vickery presented the October financial statement:

TXGA’s opening balance was $5,221.73.

There were no transactions.

TXGA’s closing balance was $5,221.73.


Challenge 2021

Events prior to Challenge will publish soon, pending confirmation of locations.

The 19th Annual Texas Challenge is GC8W9P1.

Social distancing and mask recommendations may be added to cache pages depending on county procedures and the status of covid-19 as the pandemic progresses.

The board discussed event insurance procedures and possible additional requirements due to covid-19.


Roundup 2021

Nothing to report

The event is still in Mineral Wells, TX, hosted by North Texas (date TBD).


Membership Coin

A membership coin design has been voted on and approved by the TXGA Board.

A price per coin (design, molding, shipping, and code) has been negotiated.

The board discussed how many coins to purchase.

A motion to purchase 150 coins was made and seconded. Passes 13-0.


Snag the Tag

The board discussed creating a Snag the Tag game (including cost, implementation, and other details)

The board has asked Brenda Mark for more details prior to an official motion or vote is taken on the proposal.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:42pm.

The Board will next meet December 1st, 2020.


Julien Tagnon                                                                    November 3rd, 2020

Secretary                                                                             Date


November 3, 2020