Moosiegirl started caching in March of 2002 with hubby, The Outlaw, and their friend, TreyB. Those two looked up geocaching as a new use for the GPS Candy bought Wayne because he got lost hiking one day! It only took one caching trip and all 3 were hooked. She has taught geocaching classes as part of Texas Outdoors-Woman Network (T.O.W.N., with TPWD), and along with Trey & Wayne hosted a successful series of day-long classes on how to use the Geocaching Swiss Army Knife (GSAK) program, with geocachers attending from all over the state. She’s been known as “the Ammo Can Lady” as well as the “Geocaching Hotline” for Central Texas. Being hooked into sitting on the first Board of Directors for TXGA was just another way to help geocachers feed their passion – and hers! Driving The World’s Largest Travel Bug ( has slowed her down some, but Candy vows she’ll never completely stop geocaching.