A meeting of the Texas Geocaching Association Board was held on June 2, 2020, phone.
Members Present:
Members Not Present:
Meeting Notes:
A meeting of the Executive Directors of the Texas Geocaching Association was held on June 2nd, 2020 at 7:00pm by teleconference call.
The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm.
Deanna Vickery presented the April financial statement:
TXGA’s opening balance was $5,273.13
In April, the association had two credits, $156.71 and $222.05 for a total of $378.76
An $8.22 debit was spent paying fees to the State of Texas
TXGA’s closing balance was $5,643.67
Brian Erickson brought to the Board’s attention discrepancies in the website’s accounting tab, where some years of charges were incorrect (2019 vs. 2020)
Marcellus told the board that he would fix the discrepancies if Brian could send him an email with the affected charges
Brian suggested to De that she post, on a monthly basis, a scan of the association’s bank statements to Board Facebook page so board members can look at them and ask questions if needed
The scan of April’s statement will be posted posthaste
Challenge 2020
The remaining pathtags not delivered to challenge-goers in Round Rock have been mailed
Problems with mailing resulted in some purchasers to not receive the pathtags, so they have been mailed again
Roundup 2020
Brian reported to the board that the park is still closed to the general public because of COVID-19 (park visitation limited only to individuals with reservations)
The Mineral Wells Chamber of Commerce has been contacted to set up a visit for board members but they have not yet responded
The Board discussed possible satellite event to schedule around the main Roundup event
De reminded the board that TXGA still has a 20th anniversary community event and two sets of 10 lab caches to publish which can be placed at Roundup
Brian asked the Board what the expected attendance was to report to the Chamber of Commerce. Expected attendance somewhere between 100-150 individuals
The Board discussed a designer for geocoins and pathtag swag
The date for Roundup, October 16th, 2020 @ Lake Mineral Wells State Park, will be added to the website by Marcellus (to this day, the website only had the location)
Patricia Elkins asked the board if they knew what capacity the park, along with local restaurants and amenities were currently at. The current capacity of public accommodations is 50% in Texas. Brian will continue monitoring this in the upcoming weeks and months to give Roundup-goers plenty of time to get a reservation to the park if a reservation is still required in October.
The Board has submitted the Roundup Event for publication to post a GC code on the website
Roundup 2021
South Texas will be hosting next in 2021
President, VP and Events will be meeting with the STX Rep to discuss ideas for Round 2021
Challenge 2021
Michelle Bridges, the West Texas representative, has meetings with the Cisco Chamber of Commerce, and the Police and Fire Departments scheduled over the next few weeks
Several geocaches have already published around Cisco with many more coming in the next few months
Multiple city members are willing to get involved in challenge activity caches
Future Board Meetings
The Board discussed transitioning future board meetings away from telephone conferencing to Zoom or a similar service (Facebook Rooms, etc…)
Concerns over internet availability and service outages for rural board members were raised and will be discussed in future board meetings
Brian asked the board how much GWS 2019 inventory was still available for sale?
The Board discussed putting together grab bags to continue selling off inventory
An idea to put together packages for event hosts or regional reps for use during membership drives will be discussed further
The meeting was adjourned at 7:51pm.
The Board will next meet on July 7th, 2020.
June 2, 2020