TXGA Board Meeting August 2023 Minutes


Brian – President

Adam – Vice President

Marcelus – Central

Cynthia – West

Patricia – South East

Elisa – Membership

Michael – North

William – IT

Wayne – Education

Kevin – East

Cheri – South



  1. There is a quorum present.
  2. Financials
  3. Round UP
  4. Texas Challenge
  5. Create a Texas Challenge and Round Up Quilt from a bunch of old T-Shirts with a Trackable. Brian to see about missing T-Shirts.
  6. Cacher of the Month and Geocache of the Month list sent out with responsibilities. Posted on Board FB page.
  7. Financial and Meeting updates.
  8. Totality of Dallas.
  9. Leap Year Event in Austin area.  Vince is trying to get all icons lined up for publishing that date.
  10. Education
  11. Secretary – Teresa Hall is selected.