
There are many prominent and notable geocachers in the Houston metroplex, but if there is one known and liked any better than HoustonControl, I am unaware of it. Larry has been active in geocaching since February of 2005 and has regularly contributed to the game through mentoring other geocachers and being a plethora of knowledge…
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Barney Smith’s Toilet Seat Museum

Barney Smith’s Toilet Seat Museum is an icon in San Antonio. Barney has been a great friend to cachers and visitors from all over the world. Barney’s been working on his toilet seat art for over fifty years. It started with a spark of inspiration while he was picking up parts for a job. Barney…
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Moosiegirl started caching in March of 2002 with hubby, The Outlaw, and their friend, TreyB. Those two looked up geocaching as a new use for the GPS Candy bought Wayne because he got lost hiking one day! It only took one caching trip and all 3 were hooked. She has taught geocaching classes as part…
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One of the three original founders of the Texas Geocaching Association, 9Key has been involved with geocaching since March 2002. He was also one of the first volunteer reviewers for the state of Texas and was instrumental in forming the attributes we use on cache pages today. Name: William Nienke “9Key”Year: 2014

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department manages and conserves the natural and cultural resources of Texas to provide hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation opportunities for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. They are a recognized national leader in implementing effective natural resources conservation and outdoor recreational programs. TPWD works with TXGA to provide…
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Name: Julia Bailey “jbopto”Year: 2020


Name: Gary Black “Vertighost”Year: 2020